With so many different vitamins and minerals required by the body, a balanced diet is key for ensuring you get a healthy supply. However, even with a strict diet, it’s still possible to become deficient in certain types of nutrients.
Here, you’ll discover some of the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies you need to be aware of.
Iron is found in every cell within the body, making it crucial for our health. However, it’s also one of the easiest minerals to be deficient in. It is particularly common in women who haven’t yet experienced the menopause, alongside pregnant women and young children.
When you have an iron deficiency, it can lead to anemia. This is where there aren’t enough healthy red blood cells in the body. As a result, you’ll feel constantly tired, have brittle nails and pale skin.
Vitamin D
As we get most of our vitamin D levels from natural sunlight, it’s easy to not get enough of a daily dose. Those who work indoors and spend very little time outdoors are most at risk of a deficiency.
It can be difficult to get a decent level of vitamin D from your diet alone, so supplements are often required for those who are deficient in the vitamin.
The thyroid hormone is reliant upon iodine during its production. The hormone is crucial for regulating the heartbeat, calorie burn and skin turnover. Like vitamin D, the body isn’t able to create its own Iodine supply. Instead, it can only be consumed via foods or supplements.
Those who live in an area where the soil is iodine deficient are most likely to not get enough in their diet. These include river valleys and mountainous areas.
Vitamin C
Despite it being one of the most important vitamins for our health, a vitamin C deficiency is common. Those who smoke, drink excessive levels of alcohol and who are on dialysis for kidney disease are most at risk.
When you have a vitamin C deficiency, it can cause gum disease, a weak immune system and skin issues.
Many of the body’s functions are reliant upon calcium. The mineral is also important for the development of healthy, strong bones and teeth. Postmenopausal women are the ones most at risk of a calcium deficiency. This is because they tend to lose bone mass at a fast rate while their calcium absorption capabilities decrease.
If you have a deficiency in calcium, you may experience tingling or numbness, an abnormal heartbeat and convulsions. However, these symptoms are usually only present in severe deficiency cases.
These are just some of the most common vitamin and mineral deficiencies you can suffer with. However, if you don’t have a healthy balanced diet, you could end up deficient in any type of vitamin or mineral. If you do develop a deficiency, supplements can help. However, it is better to try to get more vitamins and minerals through diet and lifestyle choices alone.
Hey Peter!!! (author), why don't you repost this and provide the reader with the upper and lower limits for each of those vitamins, so people can make their "educated" decision as to how much to take to ensure proper dosage? .... after-all, what's the point of scaring/informing the reader, if you're not going to provide a solution?
Thank you for giving us something other than pharmaceuticals, but most people are not total simpletons, we can look up vitamin supplements. I knew these basics when I was eight years old, back almost sixty years ago. If you want to inform us, okay. But don't insult my intelligence. I sent you a book I had authored, ANGRY LOUD AND CLEAR TRUTH, which buried the allopathic medical system. Obviously I am not uninformed. IF you are going to inform us, give us information that is informative, not basic kindergarten bullshit. Do some real work, do some investigation, don't just go to wikipedia and copy and paste. IF you want to have a readership of any worthwhile size, you have to…
Have you considered ranking them, I think Vitamin D is most important and should #1
For a male Iron (Fe) should e lowest as food is often fortified with iron. It is not good to overdose with Iron.
I get my Iodine (I) from dried seaweed not TOXIC salt that has Aluminium (Al) in it to make it flow better. there is nothing wrong with my iodine
They say you can get just as much Vitamin C from a apple as a orange, the extra minerals that comes with the apple makes the Vitamin C more available to the body than what it does to the laboratory equipment testing for vit c test.